
The Rijks museum and travel tips

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The Rijks Museum

A panorama of an Amsterdam canal

I'm not sure which street I took this panorama on, but I think it looks awesome. It captures the Amsterdam canal street pretty well.

Today I went to the Rijks Museum and had a bit of a culture overload.

Chilling with the milk maid.

Everybody got selfies with Van Gough, so I got a selfie The Milkmaid. I realize in retrospect that it doesn't work as well.

In other news, this is my face when I realized the bathroom stalls go from floor to ceiling.

Surprise and joy

Yes, this photo was taken in the bathroom stall.

And this is a classy restaurant I found with classy lamps.

A lamp with a cute switch

They were closed, otherwise I would have gone in.

Some Travel Tips

Although I have not completed my trip, I have some tips to share with you about travel.

Tags: #europe 2015 #travel #archive