
To Amsterdam!

Table of contents

A view of amsterdam


The flight was uneventful. It was the longest one I've ever been on, which is always a rough milestone to overcome, but actually one of the better flights I've taken. TIL Delta's service does not suck.

I usually sleep the entire way to <insert location here>, but I managed to stay productive (coding, reading, writing) for the majority of flight. I must say, it was nice to have my own personal screen to catch up on Last Week Tonight. I've wanted to watch that show for ages...

[Lazy bliss not pictured]

So good.

Day 0: Part 1

So I wrote down some thoughts about Amsterdam thus far:

Here's some pictures I took:

Mostly trees and sky.

The view from the location I am staying at.

Panorama of an amsterdam park

A panorama from the park outside of where I am staying.


Some goats I found.

Aaaaaaaand naptime.

Day 0: Part 2

I finished today by going to the Red Light District. There were a lot of half naked ladies in windows. They kept winking at me. I'm pretty sure they liked me; it's not like they definitely have a monetary incentive to get my attention or anything.

I ended up finding a bar and enjoying a Belgian White Beer. It tasted surprisingly good

A belgium white beer

So this is what it feels like to drink in a bar... neat.

Tags: #europe 2015 #travel #archive