Welcome to elijah.run!

If you found this server you are probably a friend of mine! Or you're tryng to hack me. Please don't hack me. I live here.

This is a home server I run for pet projects and little services I don't want to pay to run in the cloud, stuff like...

The server is running Fedora (37) Silverblue Linux. All of the services are managed by user-scope systemd services and are running in rootless Podman containers. Most storage is handled by two spinning disks (4TB and 6TB for some reason) in Raid1 (for now?) and a 2TB SSD which acts as a cache with the use of bcache; all disks are LUKS full-disk encrypted with a btrfs filesystem.

I also had to do some networking to get this on the public internet with HTTPs certs, but that is a story for another day. Buy me a beer and I'll walk you through the whole thing.


And yes I did write this webiste from scratch. It's A R T I S I N A L 🧑‍🎨.